
Slow Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges


If you're making a meal of your desi street food, Shakarkandi is the best accompaniment with your Bun Kabab ๐Ÿ  Shakarkandi is a firm sweet potato. The variety in Pakistan is brown with a white flesh. In the UK I seem to only find the softer copper sweet potato with the orange flesh.โ 

Slow Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges


  • Sweet Potatoโ 

  • Lemon (from my research I gather keylime or calamansi is what we refer to as a lemon in Pakistan?)โ 

  • Chaat masala (you can buy a preblend from most desi shops)โ 

  • Tamarind Sauce (see notes above!)โ 

  • Daal mauth (kinda aka bombay mix)โ 


1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. โ 

2. Wrap the potato in foil & place it on a tray. Pop it in the oven. โ 

3. Bake it till it's cooked through & soft, depending on the size. The time varies but anything over 30 minutes. โ 

4. You want to make sure the potatoes are properly wrapped in the foil as it will release its sugar like caramel. Trust me, this bubbling caramel is a beast to clean from the bottom of your oven!!โ 

5. Once cooked, take the potato out & let it cool a bit.โ 

6. Unwrap the foil & cut the tater length ways in two halves. โ 

7. Sear off the potato on a dry hot frying pan, skin side up, to caramelise the flesh.โ 

8. Plate the potato skin side down & cut the potato into chunky cubes. โ 

9. Sprinkle with salt, chaat masala, squeeze of lemon, drizzle of tamarind sauce & daal mauth, to taste. โ 

10. Eat it with a wooden chip fork for the full experience.โ 


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