Aapa's Cake Rusk with Cardamom infused Milk

Cake Rusk sprinkled with almonds, dried cranberries and candied orange peel, with cardamom

I pick up Cake Rusk whenever I come across a box at the supermarket. It reminds me of the first few years of living in Lahore. 

When we were kids, my parents took us on an adventure out of South London and we moved to Pakistan. It felt strange leaving behind my large extended family. Other than my late Phupee Jaan, my dad's eldest sister, we didn't have any family in the city. The culture shock was all too real.

As a kid, one of the main things I remember moaning about was the dearth of Coco Pops at Alfata and HKB (if you know you know 😉 ) .

My Phupee Jaan would think of creative ways to make us feel at home. Her Cake Rusk breakfast was one of them.She is no longer with us and when I visit Lahore now, I can sense her absence. But there are little moments like when I make my Cake Rusk breakfast, I think of my Phupee Jaan and feel a sense of home. Swipe Right for a picture of my beautiful Phuppee Jaan.

Cake Rusk breakfast is so incredibly simple but the floral hints of cardamom coming from the warm milk and the citrus of the orange peel takes it to another level. The key is keeping the toppings simple and balancing the flavours. A little tip: easy with the milk as it's nice to keep a balance between the soft and and crunchy rusk.


1 cup of whole milk

2 cardamom pods

4-6 cake rusk biscuits

Handful of almonds

Handful of dried cranberries

1 tbs diced orange peel


  1. Warm the milk with the crushed cardamom pods.

  2. Meanwhile assemble the cake rusk biscuits in a bowl, sprinkling over the almonds, cranberries and orange peel.

  3. Pour over the cardamom infused milk.


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